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Byzantine Catholic Seminary to Host 'Come and See' Weekend of Discovery

Are you called to be a priest? Discernment retreat, PIttsburg PA, November 4th-6th

The Byzantine Catholic Seminary of Ss Cyril and Methodius has announced a 'Come and See' open weekend which runs from Friday, November 4th to Sunday November 6th this year. This weekend is open to young men, aged 18-35, single or married, who may be considering a vocation to the priesthood in the Byzantine Catholic Church. The intention is that the atmosphere will be prayerful, positive, and fraternal, and will be as much a retreat that will help with discernment as a fact-finding mission.

This retreat weekend takes place at the Byzantine Catholic Seminary in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and includes sharing liturgical services and meals with the Seminary community and an introduction to the Seminary formation program. It will also include a tour of the Seminary, gatherings with seminarians, and witness talks.

Friday evening (5:30 PM), November 4, 2022 through Sunday afternoon (3:15 PM), November 6, 2022. Those able to arrive on Friday morning (by 10 AM, no earlier than 8 AM) or Friday afternoon (by 1:30 PM) will be welcome to sit in on Seminary courses.

Byzantine Catholic Seminary of Saints Cyril and Methodius
3605 Perrysville Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15214

The seminary serves all Catholic Churches that follow use the Greek form of worship and follow the Greek tradition, which includes, for example, the Ruthenian and Melkite Catholic churches.

Those who are interested should contact the seminary on 412 321 8383; or email For further details go to the website for the seminary website; or here for the page that describes the discernment retreat.

The deadline for applications is October 12th.