Aidan Hart

Martin Earle of the Chichester Workshop of Liturgical Art Wins Major Award in US

Martin Earle of the Chichester Workshop of Liturgical Art Wins Major Award in US

This is the future of Catholic art! Margarita and I at the Scala Foundation have been energetically promoting the work of Martin Earle and Jim Blackstone at the Chichester Workshop.

An Artistic Feeding of the Five Thousand: The New Chichester Workshop for Liturgical Art

An Artistic Feeding of the Five Thousand: The New Chichester Workshop for Liturgical Art

The experience of Aidan Hart, Martin Earle and Jim Blackstone and their apprentices is that a community of Christian artists working together harmoniously, produces more beautiful work, in less time and at lower cost than the stereotypical Bohemian loner in his artist’s garret.

Liturgical Art as Prophecy and Priesthood: Sacred Art and the Restoration of Human Dignity.

Liturgical Art as Prophecy and Priesthood: Sacred Art and the Restoration of Human Dignity.

To repeat our opening words, we act as we see. The first step is therefore education, not  education merely to swell our head knowledge, but to check, and if necessary, recalibrate,  our vision of the world and of our worship.

Aidan Hart on Beauty, Matter and the Sacred

Aidan Hart on Beauty, Matter and the Sacred

"Virtue can be described as that which makes us beautiful again, repentance as removal of tarnish to reveal the beautiful image underneath, sin as distortion, saintliness as the return to fulness and creativity."