I will be leading a Vespers and giving a talk at the chapel of Newman Hall on the UC Berkeley campus on April 24th at 7pm. There will be an explanation beforehand that will help all who attend to join in the singing of the psalms and for those who are really interested, there will be a practice session on the previous Monday, April 17th at the same time and place. No one need be daunted by this. Anyone who is capable of singing in the shower without being frightened by the sound of their own voice (which means you!) has the necessary singing ability!
The Church tells us that the purpose of the Divine Office and the singing of the psalms is to 'sanctify the day'. This is a chanted vespers based on the ancient traditions of both the Christian East and West in a format especially created for lay people. Afterwards, I give a talk in which I will explain on how comfortably to incorporate the Divine Office into a busy routine and to take it back into your home to create a domestic Church - whether your home is with your family, or a shared student house or even a dorm room! I will also talk about why this is so worth doing! This is the prayer, the Church tells us, that according to Christian mysticism opens us up most powerfully to inspiration and guidance during the day in all we do - including work and personal study - and offers us the chance of supernatural transformation, divine wisdom and a joyful life in Christ.