How do you teach Catholic engineering? What does it mean to be a Catholic plumber? The answer lies in the liturgy.
I was invited to attend the conference on the Sacred Liturgy Sacra Liturgia 2013 in Rome by the Cardinal Newman Society and asked to write my thoughts on what I hear and how it might impact Catholic education. This was an inspiring three days. This was the Benedictine (as in our wonderful Pope Emeritus) understanding of liturgy made manifest. I will feature the articles over the next few weeks. Before I present what I wrote for them I just want to say what a star Archbishop Sample from Portland Oregon is. He spoke on how a Bishop can introduce changes in the liturgy in his diocese. He impressed my as being totally dedicated and able to win people over without compromising on principle.
In this article I discuss what is meant by a Catholic education, especially when you are teaching things that don't seem instrically religious, such as science. The link is here.
Founded in 1993, the Cardinal Newman Society has a mission to promote and defend faithful Catholic education.