
Bearing the "Good Fruit"

Bearing the "Good Fruit"

Not all artists are called to the sacred arts. Not all artists are called to work in religious themes. But all artists are called to recognize that their gifts are given to them for a purpose beyond self-indulgent navel-gazing. All artists are called to “bear good fruit” through the use of their gifts.

The Life's Work of the Artist is to Create Beauty

The Life's Work of the Artist is to Create Beauty

Many artists, especially those basing their work on traditional forms, are familiar with the "cult of the new." There seems to be an idea, within the rarified world of fine art, that "new" is better than "good," or "beautiful." This has led to some of the more extreme examples of modern art that sell for staggering sums and leave people shaking their heads over what is perceived as "art."

But outside of this "art bubble" there are artists who respect the traditions of the past and build on them, taking those ancient forms and breathing new life into them for a new generation. These are artists who recognize that their role is to pursue beauty and show it to the world, even if the world around them no longer understands the power of the beautiful.

The Artist As Prophet

The Artist As Prophet

We tend to think of a prophet as one who predicts the future, but that is not at all the ancient understanding of the word. The word "prophet" means speaker, or one who speaks. In Christian use, a prophet is one who has a special connection to God and speaks on God's behalf.

By virtue of our Baptism we are invested in the threefold office of Christ, priest, prophet, and king. The degree to which we fulfill each of these offices will depend on our individual gifts and calling. We are all called to be prophets, as well as priests and kings, to the degree our gifts allow us.