A Meditation on Fra Angelico's Mocking of Christ by Brother John Paul Puschautz O.P.

This is the second of two posts featuring meditations on frescoes painted by Fra Angelico on the walls of the cells at San Marco monastery in Fiesole, near Florence, by Br John Paul Puschautz, a Dominican of the Western Province in the US. Last time, we featured his meditation on the Annunciation. This week it is the Mocking of Christ

John Paul has just completed his STL, and his thesis title was "Visio Divina with the Art of Fra Angelico as Mental Pilgrimage: A Way of Beauty and Perfection." It is a scholarly development of a method of prayer analogous to lectio divina that uses sacred art for meditation rather than scriptural passages.

As I mentioned last time,  contact Br John Paul through opwest.org if you want to publish his thesis. If it was published as a book I would buy it and promote it.