Art is "for us all; to refine us, to ennoble us, to raise us from the baser pleasures, to fill our eyes with beauty and our hearts with gladness, to show us that we are not beasts but the King's children, and that Beauty is His messenger."
The Artist Teaches Through His Art
Discerning Vocation: How I Came to be Doing What I Want to Do
Beauty is Transcendent
What is Beauty? Is it objective or subjective? Is beauty really in the eye of the beholder?It has been said that we fear what we do not understand. We grow to hate what we fear. And we destroy what we hate. In many ways we do not understand Beauty, and we have tried to destroy it. We try to destroy Beauty by robbing it of power. We do this by trivializing it. We make beauty something "pretty" with no power to speak to us.
What is the Theme of Your Life?
The Power of Beauty to Transform Now Has Pointed Psalms - You Can Sing the Office At Home Using Your Smartphone
The Responsibility of Patrons of the Arts
The state of "Christian art" is frequently, and not without reason, criticized as being substandard but the solution is simple. If you want art that "leads to God through the appreciation of beauty, harmony, goodness, truth and love, respect, unity and the transcendent," then patronize that type of art. If you have the means, commission that type of art.
The Artist as Priest
Priest, Prophet and King, all of the baptized are invested in these three offices. The degree to which they fulfill these offices will depend on their individual gifts, talents, and calling.
But how, specifically does an artist fulfill the role of priest? To answer this we must first briefly examine the role of the priest and the Sacraments of the Church.
Masters Level Sacred Music Courses through NYC Seminary
Earn credit for Pontifex University's Master of Sacred Arts through St Cecilia Academy for Pastoral Musicians, Archdiocese of New York.
St Cecilia Academy of Pastoral Musicians, which is at St Joseph's Seminary in Yonkers, NY offers a four-course 12 credit, Masters level certificate. Pontifex University will recognize these classes as constituting a concentration in sacred music as part of the Master of Sacred Arts program.
We recommend these courses to all pastoral musicians, whether for credit or personal enrichment in service of the Church.