Our entire life here on this world is a pilgrimage, a word that embodies adventure, journey and quest all in one. We are on the path to eternal life
The Cure for Doubt
Introducing Peter Carter and The Catholic Sacred Music Project
The Catholic Sacred Music Project promotes beautiful sacred music and worship accessible for all through events such as the Scala Conference 2023, a composers workshop with Sir James MacMillan, a conductors's workshops and choral festivals.
The Artist vs The Art, an Open Question
The Passion and the Arts
Sacred Art for Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday
Why Do We Suffer
A Video and Recording of New Music For the Mass Composed by Paul Jernberg
Of Maps, Treasure, and the Search for God
Now There is the Vision For You Daily Journal; A New and Powerful Tool to Help You Discover the Life You Were Made For
The Vision for You is the name given to a process by which we, who have been through it, discovered our true calling in life—what we call our ‘personal vocation’; and through which we discovered the Great Fact—that we have a choice in life:
– David Clayton, The Vision for You preamble
This journal is for those who want an accompaniment for the Daily Routine as articulated by David Clayton in his book The Vision For You. Whether or not you have gone through the spiritual exercises and mentorship process described in the book, practicing “the daily routine” with the help of this journal can be life-changing for your spiritual life, as well as the ongoing development of your personal vocation.
This journal contains 90 days worth of entries, or roughly one quarter of a year. To order your next copy, inquire about bulk discounts, and learn more about the Vision for You process, visit TheVisionforYou.com.