
Jack and the Fallen Giants - A Childrens Story by Jonathan Pageau

From our friend Jonathan Pageau comes the latest in an acclaimed and growing series of fairy tales, written by Jonathan and beautifully illustrated by Elouise Scherrer.

In the storytelling tradition older than the Brothers Grimm comes Jack and the Fallen Giants. This numinous retelling of a beloved classic allows modern readers to reclaim the beauty of this well-beloved fairy tale through insightful storytelling and iconic illustrations. Like all great fairy tales, Jack and the Fallen Giants is written to be enjoyed by children but contains hidden treasures for readers of all ages.

Eloise Scherrer beautifully illustrates the book. As a young artist, Eloise was deeply inspired by the works of J.R.R. Tolkien and has spent her career giving shape and color to the best of European fantasy literature. Her attention to depth, textures, movement, and light creates whimsical and vivid illustrations that draw the reader into a realm of enchantment and imagination.

Order from the Symbolic World website:

Tales for Once and Ever
Tales for Once and Ever is a series of eight interlocking fairy tales working towards a symphony of storytelling. With repeating themes and patterns in both story and illustrations,  with recurring characters and situations that always honor the source material, this series is an invitation to dive back into a lived experience that is expressed in all of our folk and fairy tales. The Brothers Jacob and Wilhem Grimm did not write down anything "new" when they collected and published their stories in 1812. Rather, their publications preserved a tradition that related a lived experience through symbols.
This series is a return to an ancient storytelling style, a way to partake of the lived experience our ancestors were sharing in their homes, with their families, and in their communities long before modern times. This series also enhances that renewed story experience with striking illustrations that are invented alongside the narrative in a way that invites us — even implicates us — in the symbolic landscape through details that have always been hiding there in these ancient stories — like breadcrumbs — all along.

Order from the Symbolic World website:

Vol 1 - Snow White and the Widow Queen
Vol 2 - Jack and the Fallen Giants
Vol 3 - Rapunzel and the Evil Witch (Spring 2025)
Vol 4 - The Valiant Little Tailor (Fall 2025)
Vol 5 - Sleeping Beauty (Spring 2026)
Vol 6 - The Boy and the Giant (Fall 2026)
Vol 7 - Rumplestiltskin (Spring 2027)
Vol 8 - Cinderella (Fall 2027)


Praise for the first volume, Snow White and the Widow Queen.

"Fairy tales are meant to delight, and Snow White is one of the most treasured of that tradition. Now we can be doubly delighted by the reimagining of the legend by a masterful storyteller, Jonathan Pageau. Accompanied by the luminous illustrations of a gifted artist, Heather Pollington, the traditional tale has been transformed into a magical synthesis of word and image. Snow White and the Widow Queen presents a thrilling and mysterious take on the classic, mingling the rudiments of fairy with the greatest myths ever told. This retelling of the beloved fairy tale is sure to please readers of all ages, leaving children and adults spellbound."

- Robert Jackson, Executive Director, Great Hearts Institute

A new Symbolic World Store

In launching Jack and the Fallen Giants, we are also introducing the New Symbolic World store, where other books, prints and merchandise are offered, including the GodsDog series, a series of graphic novels exploring Biblical epic in a way that has not been seen before.  Essays on Symbolism, like The Symbolism of Snow White and The Secrets of Godsdog are also available there.

The Importance of Civic Art to a Christian Nation

The Importance of Civic Art to a Christian Nation

Civic art, particularly public statues and monuments, plays a vital role in shaping and preserving a nation's cultural identity and values. Within the context of a Christian nation, these artistic expressions serve as tangible reminders of the foundational principles upon which the society is built and the ideals it strives to uphold.

Sir James MacMillan on Creativity and Sacred Music: From the Ashes of Modernism to Cultural Renewal

Sir James MacMillan on Creativity and Sacred Music: From the Ashes of Modernism to Cultural Renewal

Two video interviews and an article about his philosophy of sacred music, recently published in the National Catholic Register

Graced Imagination: Recovering True Creativity in the Age of Authenticity

Graced Imagination: Recovering True Creativity in the Age of Authenticity

Modern art and architecture reject traditional harmony and form, intentionally breaking with the past and seemingly deliberately disregarding beauty. This revolution in art is a sign of an even more profound revolution in the understanding of the human person and the desire to change Western civilization radically.

Book Recommendation: The Spiritual History of English, by Andrew Thornton-Norris

Book Recommendation: The Spiritual History of English, by Andrew Thornton-Norris

Thornton Norris shows us that even if the poet or novelist is sincerely Catholic and trying to express truths that are consistent with the Faith, he is at a great disadvantage if he is seeking to express those truths with vocabulary and poetic forms that reflect a post-Enlightenment culture.  

Is Beauty Worth It? Doesn't it Cost Too Much?

Is Beauty Worth It? Doesn't it Cost Too Much?

No! Beauty Transforms Us Spritually, Invokes the Principle of Superabundance that Generates Wealth for All, and Inspires Us to Love the Poor.

As St Francis of Assisi understood, beauty is a common-good, beneficial spiritually, to all who encounter it, rich and poor alike. But second, the poor will benefit materially as well. Faith inspires charity and so it will inspire the rich to give to the poor directly.

Study Choral Conducting with Master Teachers In Princeton, NJ, June 16-21, 2024

Study Choral Conducting with Master Teachers In Princeton, NJ, June 16-21, 2024

This is organised by Peter Carter's Catholic Sacred Music Project in partnership with, among others, the Scala Foundation (for whom I serve as Artist-in-Residence. The program will be held June 16-21, 2024, in Princeton, NJ. For more information, go to

The Traditional Formation of the Artist is Mystagogical Catechesis and a Formation for the New Evangelisation

The Traditional Formation of the Artist is Mystagogical Catechesis and a Formation for the New Evangelisation

The fruits of a traditional artistic training in the formation of the person are such, I would say, that it would be useful too (with minimal adaption) for anybody, regardless of his personal vocation. And so would be of interest not just to artists, but to all people; (and especially those who are interested in the formation of children). It is a training in the via pulchritudinis and is the formation of the New Evangelisation, I suggest.

Composer's Workshop with Sir James MacMillan, Princeton, June 2024

Composer's Workshop with Sir James MacMillan, Princeton, June 2024

Do you want to learn how to compose beautiful sacred music with Sir James MacMillan. Sign up for this workshop at run by the Catholic Sacred Music Project partnering with the Scala Foundation

Sarum Use Vespers and Liturgical Art - Heaven on Earth

Sarum Use Vespers and Liturgical Art - Heaven on Earth

The Scala Foundation's mission is to transform American and, hence, Western culture through beauty in education and worship so that we are formed by grace to change society, one personal relationship at a time. To the degree that each of us contributes to this ideal, we will help create a culture of beauty that speaks of the Christian Faith and Western values. 

History, Salvation History and the Christian Story in Art

History, Salvation History and the Christian Story in Art

The image of Our Lady portrays her uniqueness in being the God Bearer, (‘Theotokos’ in Greek). On the other hand the unburning fire in Mary is the fire of Pentecost by which the Church was established and which is the divine life which is the gift of the Holy Spirit to all who are baptized into the Church.

Martin Earle of the Chichester Workshop of Liturgical Art Wins Major Award in US

Martin Earle of the Chichester Workshop of Liturgical Art Wins Major Award in US

This is the future of Catholic art! Margarita and I at the Scala Foundation have been energetically promoting the work of Martin Earle and Jim Blackstone at the Chichester Workshop.

A Marian Pilgrimage in Oxford

A Marian Pilgrimage in Oxford

The wonderful thing about pilgrimage is that it requires all those present to make a sacrifice of time and give something of themselves. This inevitably opens the hearts of those present to the mysteries being contemplated in a way that attending a lecture could never do. The shared experience brought us together and established, one personal interraction at a time an authentic culture of faith that has the power to draw others in, because all are so obviously invited. It is easy to organise something like this and doesn't require a lot of effort, but it does require commitment a little bit of sacrifice.

Study Choral Conducting in Beautiful Princeton, NJ, Aug. 9-12

The Catholic Sacred Music Project, under the leadership of my friend Peter Carter, is excited to announce its 2nd Conducting Institute, to be held in August on the beautiful campus of Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey. The Institute is a unique and exceptional training opportunity, offering emerging and established conductors a singular environment that balances instruction, study, prayer, and conviviality in an atmosphere of collegial support and encouragement.

Eight Conducting Fellows will receive premium podium experience at the helm of a 16-voice professional choir, along with hands-on instruction from master teachers Dr. James Jordan and Dr. Timothy McDonnell. The music list for the Institute will represent various genres of sacred music drawn from classic and contemporary choral repertories, Gregorian chant, and traditional hymnody. Each day’s workshop sessions will be punctuated by sung Mass and Compline, with service music conducted by Conducting Fellows and Conducting Auditors. The Institute will conclude with a public concert at the Princeton University Chapel on Saturday, August 12, at noon.

The CSMP welcomes all applications for fellows and auditors by July 1, 2023. Conducting Fellow applicants must submit a video audition. See the website of the CSMP to apply:

Repertoire will be confirmed and assigned to the conducting fellows and auditors based on experience and aptitude after registration closes.

Access the Graced Imagination to Love and Serve the Lord

Access the Graced Imagination to Love and Serve the Lord

A Catholic education which involves the study of scripture and the praying of the Hours has its consummation in right worship and the fruit of this is a graced imagination that can inform, potentially, any human activity, sacred or mundane.