Scala Foundation

Graced Imagination: Recovering True Creativity in the Age of Authenticity

Graced Imagination: Recovering True Creativity in the Age of Authenticity

Modern art and architecture reject traditional harmony and form, intentionally breaking with the past and seemingly deliberately disregarding beauty. This revolution in art is a sign of an even more profound revolution in the understanding of the human person and the desire to change Western civilization radically.

Liturgical Art as Prophecy and Priesthood: Sacred Art and the Restoration of Human Dignity.

Liturgical Art as Prophecy and Priesthood: Sacred Art and the Restoration of Human Dignity.

To repeat our opening words, we act as we see. The first step is therefore education, not  education merely to swell our head knowledge, but to check, and if necessary, recalibrate,  our vision of the world and of our worship.

Introducing Peter Carter and The Catholic Sacred Music Project

Introducing Peter Carter and The Catholic Sacred Music Project

The Catholic Sacred Music Project promotes beautiful sacred music and worship accessible for all through events such as the Scala Conference 2023, a composers workshop with Sir James MacMillan, a conductors's workshops and choral festivals.