Predominantly online with residencies in either New York or Athens Dr George Kordis, renowned iconographer and former artist-in-residence at the Institute of Sacred Arts at St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, which is in Yonkers, New York, is launching a two-year program in Byzantine iconography.
Changing the Ethnicity of Christ and Our Lady in Art. When Is It Legitimate?
Instructional Resources for Catholic Icon Painters: The Icon Painter's Handbook and the online Academy Course
Book Recommendation: The Art of Principled Entrepreneurship by Andreas Widmer
When we work, we do not only make more, but we become more. The Principled Entrepreneur is primarily a creator - someone who pursues their excellence by creating value for others profitably. That value entails supporting others on the team in their pursuit of excellence and appropriately rewarding all stakeholders physically, mentally and spiritually.
Study Choral Conducting in Beautiful Princeton, NJ, Aug. 9-12
The Catholic Sacred Music Project, under the leadership of my friend Peter Carter, is excited to announce its 2nd Conducting Institute, to be held in August on the beautiful campus of Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey. The Institute is a unique and exceptional training opportunity, offering emerging and established conductors a singular environment that balances instruction, study, prayer, and conviviality in an atmosphere of collegial support and encouragement.
Eight Conducting Fellows will receive premium podium experience at the helm of a 16-voice professional choir, along with hands-on instruction from master teachers Dr. James Jordan and Dr. Timothy McDonnell. The music list for the Institute will represent various genres of sacred music drawn from classic and contemporary choral repertories, Gregorian chant, and traditional hymnody. Each day’s workshop sessions will be punctuated by sung Mass and Compline, with service music conducted by Conducting Fellows and Conducting Auditors. The Institute will conclude with a public concert at the Princeton University Chapel on Saturday, August 12, at noon.
The CSMP welcomes all applications for fellows and auditors by July 1, 2023. Conducting Fellow applicants must submit a video audition. See the website of the CSMP to apply:
Repertoire will be confirmed and assigned to the conducting fellows and auditors based on experience and aptitude after registration closes.
Access the Graced Imagination to Love and Serve the Lord
The Daily Office of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter
The BCP is a connection to English culture and prayer that pre-dates the Reformation and as such transmits the Judeo-Christian values in such a way that it reinforces the Anglo-American cultural tradition from which the Republic emerged.
Our nation needs Christians to work and worship together to provide a united front against the threats to it from atheist-materialist ideologies, which are bent on the destruction of the family and all the familiar institutions of American society.
How is a Tradition Established? The Emerging Pattern of Christian Art in the Early Church
The universal elements of good Christian traditional art both reflect and in turn guide the natural desire of all men for supernatural fulfillment in the Common Good; while the local and temporal variations, which are more superficial but nevertheless also necessary, reflect more individual responses to that call as affected by local cultures.
Beauty and Creativity in Scientific Research
GOP Rep. Jim Banks offers bill to prescribe traditional architectural styles for federal buildings
Architecture by the people, for the people, and of the people; rather than serving the interests of elites who have disdain for them and push Brutalism. Brutalism says: ‘You may not like it, but you’re wrong - we know what is good for you.’The ‘"Beautifying Federal Civic Architecture Act" declares "traditional and classical" architectural styles to be preferred for new Federal government buildings. This sets the tone for a wider American culture of beauty and superabundance.