Modern art and architecture reject traditional harmony and form, intentionally breaking with the past and seemingly deliberately disregarding beauty. This revolution in art is a sign of an even more profound revolution in the understanding of the human person and the desire to change Western civilization radically.
Is Beauty Worth It? Doesn't it Cost Too Much?
No! Beauty Transforms Us Spritually, Invokes the Principle of Superabundance that Generates Wealth for All, and Inspires Us to Love the Poor.
As St Francis of Assisi understood, beauty is a common-good, beneficial spiritually, to all who encounter it, rich and poor alike. But second, the poor will benefit materially as well. Faith inspires charity and so it will inspire the rich to give to the poor directly.
GOP Rep. Jim Banks offers bill to prescribe traditional architectural styles for federal buildings
Architecture by the people, for the people, and of the people; rather than serving the interests of elites who have disdain for them and push Brutalism. Brutalism says: ‘You may not like it, but you’re wrong - we know what is good for you.’The ‘"Beautifying Federal Civic Architecture Act" declares "traditional and classical" architectural styles to be preferred for new Federal government buildings. This sets the tone for a wider American culture of beauty and superabundance.