Thornton Norris shows us that even if the poet or novelist is sincerely Catholic and trying to express truths that are consistent with the Faith, he is at a great disadvantage if he is seeking to express those truths with vocabulary and poetic forms that reflect a post-Enlightenment culture.
Is Beauty Worth It? Doesn't it Cost Too Much?
No! Beauty Transforms Us Spritually, Invokes the Principle of Superabundance that Generates Wealth for All, and Inspires Us to Love the Poor.
As St Francis of Assisi understood, beauty is a common-good, beneficial spiritually, to all who encounter it, rich and poor alike. But second, the poor will benefit materially as well. Faith inspires charity and so it will inspire the rich to give to the poor directly.
A Marian Pilgrimage in Oxford
The wonderful thing about pilgrimage is that it requires all those present to make a sacrifice of time and give something of themselves. This inevitably opens the hearts of those present to the mysteries being contemplated in a way that attending a lecture could never do. The shared experience brought us together and established, one personal interraction at a time an authentic culture of faith that has the power to draw others in, because all are so obviously invited. It is easy to organise something like this and doesn't require a lot of effort, but it does require commitment a little bit of sacrifice.