
David Clayton Interviewed by Tammy Peterson

On Christianity, Christian Art and Culture and Saving the West with Beauty

Here is my interview with Tammy Peterson. Tammy is an excellent interviewer on matters of faith and culture from a Catholic perspective despite being a relatively new Christian convert who as only received into the Church this past Easter.

Her approach displays a genuine curiosity and a sincere desire to learn from the interviewee. This made for what was, from my perspective, a very enjoyable and wide-ranging conversation in which I felt I was given a sufficient opportunity to communicate what I thought was important. I have given you Tammy's show notes below.

Show notes:
David Clayton, a prominent UK-born artist, writer, and educator currently based in the US, is globally acknowledged for his artistic work and spiritual teachings. As Provost of Pontifex University, Clayton has a renowned Master of Sacred Arts program and serves as Artist-in-Residence at the Princeton-based Scala Foundation. Regularly contributing to respected publications and blogs like and, he is also the creator of The Way of Beauty process, offering personal formation to people of varied backgrounds. Clayton's acclaimed works include The Little Oratory, The Way of Beauty, The Vision for You, and Veiling to Reveal, while his commissioned pieces beautify churches in the UK and US. His illustrious career further includes a seven-year tenure as Artist-in-Residence at Thomas More College of Liberal Arts.

Find more from David:

The Vision for You, How To Discover the Life You Were Made For:

Veiling to Reveal: John Paul II’s Theology of the Body and the Role of Clothing in Christian Art and Anthropology:

The Way of Beauty: Liturgy, Education, and Inspiration for Family, School, and College:

The Little Oratory: A Beginner's Guide to Praying in the Home:

Information on The Way of Beauty workshops and personal coaching: Blog:


To connect with Tammy Peterson: Instagram:   / tammy.m.peterson   Facebook:   / tammypetersonpodcast   TikTok:   / tammypetersonpodcast   Twitter:   / tammy1peterson   Rumble:

Byzantine Ressourcement? Liturgical Reform in the Orthodox Churches, as a Model for the Roman Rite

Byzantine Ressourcement? Liturgical Reform in the Orthodox Churches, as a Model for the Roman Rite

The Eastern liturgies I had been attending and assumed had been unchanged since their inception, were in fact recently reformed. This goes hand-in-hand with the reestablishment of the iconographic tradition in the Orthodox Churches, which dates from the mid-20th century.

Five Reasons the Modern World is Ugly

I wrote a couple of weeks ago about the iconoclasm of the leftist protestors in our cities. There is one tragedy in this phenomenon that I didn't mention. That is, that on the whole, they are destroying beauty, and creating ugliness and disorder (the two are intimately connected).

As if to make the point, here is a video from Alain de Botton at the School of Life entitled 5 Reasons the Modern World is Ugly (h'/t Pontifex University student, Ron Gaudio). I have one or two quibbles with his arguments, but broadly, I agree with the arguments he makes, although I am perhaps less inclined to make classicism the main cause of beauty in the West, I would say that classicism's integration with Judeo-Christian values is the driving force, with Christianity being the primary driver. 

In this, he clearly lays the blame on 'modernists' such as the Austrian architectural theorist Adolf Loos, who, as de Botton puts it 'forget human nature'. 

Adolf Loos' essay, Ornament and Crime was influential in pushing modernism into architecture

Adolf Loos' essay, Ornament and Crime was influential in pushing modernism into architecture

This is charitable, I suggest that they do not forget human nature, rather they deny it. At its root is the same materialist worldview that drives the leftists. He also points out how the ideas of the elites were seized upon by property developers who took the opportunity not to have to worry about building beautifully while being immune from criticism. The tragedy is that in their search for a ‘pure’ utility, they couldn’t even guarantee that. A modernist, flat-roofed building is more likely to let in the rain than a modern design.

Ironically, as he points out, this has led to the situation that only the old buildings are beautiful, and the demand for them is so high that only the elites, such as university intellectuals and property developers who can afford to live in them.

What is gratifying about this video is that de Botton is using rational arguments to support a traditional culture of beauty, but is not to my knowledge Christian or a believer in God (this is, perhaps the reason for his tendency to overemphasize, as I see it, ancient Greece and Rome as the primary driver of traditional beauty rather than Christianity). It suggests a growing clamor for an end to our sterile, grey city centers. 

A cursory look at the School of Life, which produced this and a whole range of other videos has the following stated aims:

At The School of Life, we're devoted to helping people lead calmer and more resilient lives. We share ideas on how to understand ourselves better, improve our relationships, take stock of our careers, and deepen our social connections - as well as find serenity and grow more confident in facing challenges.

It seems that when human happiness - which is essentially what they are seeking - is the goal then, as de Botton puts it, beauty is 'as much as a necessity as a functional roof'.

The corollary is also true when the goal is discord, violence, and misery, - as it is for Marxists - then ugliness is as much a necessity as a dysfunctional roof.

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