Pasadena, CA; June 21-24th. Theme for 2023: Major Sources of Catholic Education and its Renewal, The Formation of the Supernatural Man. Featuring: Michael Waldstein, Andrew Kern, James Matthew Wilson, Ed Feser, R. Jared Staudt, Mike Foley, David Deavel, Fabio Reali, Josef Froula, Fr. Robert Spitzer, Arthur Hippler, Paul Shrimpton, Joe Heschmeyer, Fr. Sebastian Walshe, Margarita Mooney Clayton, Dale Ahlquist, David Whalen, RJ Snell, Andrew Seeley, Deal Hudson, Michael Naughton, and Pater Edmund Waldstein.
Donate to a GoFundMe for Fr Deacon Lawrence Klimecki
The GoFundMe link to pay for the funeral and to help his widow AnNita in this next period is here. The link is here.
Fr. Deacon Lawrence Klimecki RIP
Showing People Christ in a Secular Age
Catholic Sacred Music as a Radiant Witness: A Workshop led by Paul Jernberg in Kansas, May 31st - June 3rd
Introducing Peter Carter and The Catholic Sacred Music Project
The Catholic Sacred Music Project promotes beautiful sacred music and worship accessible for all through events such as the Scala Conference 2023, a composers workshop with Sir James MacMillan, a conductors's workshops and choral festivals.