New Full-length Movie with Screenplay by Pontifex University Faculty Member, Caleb Brown

New Full-length Movie with Screenplay by Pontifex University Faculty Member, Caleb Brown

Blue Ridge - rent the movie, watch the trailer. A murder in a sleepy town at the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains shocks the community and refuels a longtime feud between two families. Screenplay by Caleb G. Brown; Starring: Johnathon Schaetch, Sarah Lancaster, Graham Greene.

Join the Pontifex Forum - an Online Community of Catholic Artists and Patrons on a Pilgrimage of Beauty

Join the Pontifex Forum - an Online Community of Catholic Artists and Patrons on a Pilgrimage of Beauty

John Henry Newman remarked that the greatest influence on his formation at Oxford was the community of students. Inspired by Newman’s ideas, the Pontifex Forum is a group of peers that stimulates discussion and creativity directed at promoting Catholicism and Catholic culture.

Lectures on How Modern Music and Modern Art Corrupt the Faith: Anthony Esolen and James Patrick Reid

The Institute of Catholic Culture is scheduling in September two interesting looking talks, available to all for free, on the intersection of modernity and culture. 

The first is given by artist James Patrick Reid and is called Corrupted Concepts: Modern Art & the Philosophy of Nature it is offered online on September 1 at 8:00 PM EST.

The second is by Anthony Esolen and is entitled   Music & the Corruption of Catholicism on September 15 at 8:00 PM EST

You can enroll online through the links above. 

Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso

St Cecilia by Artimisia Gentileschi

St Cecilia by Artimisia Gentileschi



King David by David Clayton

King David by David Clayton

Byzantine Ressourcement? Liturgical Reform in the Orthodox Churches, as a Model for the Roman Rite

Byzantine Ressourcement? Liturgical Reform in the Orthodox Churches, as a Model for the Roman Rite

The Eastern liturgies I had been attending and assumed had been unchanged since their inception, were in fact recently reformed. This goes hand-in-hand with the reestablishment of the iconographic tradition in the Orthodox Churches, which dates from the mid-20th century.