I am guessing that most can see that the overall effect of Bougeureau’s style is one a superficial sentimentality which, I would argue, is inappropriate for liturgical art.
Christians Created Abstract Art 2000 Years Before Kandinsky - And Were Better At It!
Sacred number in art: St Matthew’s tells us there are 14 generations from Abraham to David, 14 from David until the Babylonian exile and 14 from the Babylonian exile to Christ. Matthew wrote in Aramaic. In this language, the characters of the alphabet are also used for numbers. This allows for every name to characterized both in letters and numbers. When the letters that comprise the name David are treated as numbers and added together it creates the number 14. This numerical symbolism emphasizes the fact that Christ in a king in the line of David, as prophesied.
Artists and the Kingdom of God
The creative types among us, the artists, and poets, and writers and makers, spend their lives chasing “success.” Success as the world defines it usually involves some mixture of money and celebrity or fame. But for every artist who is able to sell his work for tens of thousands of dollars, there are many more Vincent Van Goughs toiling in obscurity.
To Be At Peace
Who Would Know?
The Arts and Battles in the Holy Sepulchre
The Church and the Sacred Arts – Architecture
The Church and Sacred Art
The Church and the Sacred Arts - Music
When it comes to the Liturgy, what does the Church actually tell us about the role of music, and why guidelines does the Church give us in selecting music?
Of the three sacred arts of art, architecture, and music, the Church has given us the most explicit direction when it comes to music. But as music acts (or should act) in concert with art and architecture, what is said of one can apply to the others.