The cursing psalms are there for a reason. Omitting them from the Psalter, as the modern Roman Psalter does is detrimental to the psychology and spiritual well-being of the people in the Church.
Why AA Works! The Value of Non-Sacramental Confession and House Groups, Part 2: AA and the Methodists
Sacred Art Institute, Enders Island, CT, Announces 2020 Program
The Sacred Art Institute offers evening, afternoon, and week-long residency workshops in Iconography, Illumination, Calligraphy, Stained Glass, and Sacred Music among others. All Sacred Art Workshops feature highly skilled instructors
Why AA Works! The Value of Daily Non-Sacramental Confession and House Groups, Part 1 Avoiding Scrupulosity
The Vision for You process leads us to an accurate and deep confession that brings joy. We cannot confess too many sins if what we say is accurate and true. Scrupulosity is anxiety caused by a lack of trust in God’s infinite mercy which leads to repetition and needless over-elaboration of detail in the description of any one sin.
Hale and Hearty - Health and Beauty in the Human Person, Part 1
Painting the Nude: The Theology of the Body and Representation of Man in Christian Art
In this book, Clayton provides us with a synthesis that places all within the context of the greater tradition of Catholic thinking on these topics and shows how, far from being a radical departure from it, the Theology of the Body is reinforcing a traditionally Christian and conservative approach to the nude in art. - Deacon Keith Fournier
This is Spiritual Warfare - But Take Heart, the War is Won!
I am delighted that Sophia Institute Press is going to use my painting of St Michael for the cover of an upcoming book, Spiritual Warfare and the Discernment of Spirits, which will be published next month. Charlie McKinney of Sophia Institute Press told me that he chose it because he likes the sense of effortlessness ease with which St Michael deals with evil personified, the Devil.