The Vision for You is a process by which we discovered our true calling in life—what we call our ‘personal vocation’; and through which we discovered the Great Fact—that we have a choice in life: WE CAN CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY OR TO BE MISERABLE.
Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Bad for Sacred Art?
Art is as good as it looks. If there is more and better art by this measure as a result of AI then that is a good thing and I would be happy to see it. It seems similar to me to the situation that arose when photography was invented, or when musicians could start to use computers to create music. Perhaps in this new situation, we will give the person who asks Chat GBT the right questions, or even the programmer who created it the right questions the credit for being the artist!
Upgrade to - Now Compliant with the Rubrics of the Daily Office of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham
Around the Auctions
Podcast with Bradley Elliott, O.P.—Art Participates in God’s Governance
Martin Earle of the Chichester Workshop of Liturgical Art Wins Major Award in US
A Marian Pilgrimage in Oxford
The wonderful thing about pilgrimage is that it requires all those present to make a sacrifice of time and give something of themselves. This inevitably opens the hearts of those present to the mysteries being contemplated in a way that attending a lecture could never do. The shared experience brought us together and established, one personal interraction at a time an authentic culture of faith that has the power to draw others in, because all are so obviously invited. It is easy to organise something like this and doesn't require a lot of effort, but it does require commitment a little bit of sacrifice.