Two-Part Webinar for Catholic School Pastors, Priests, Chaplains, Administrators, Teachers

Two-Part Webinar for Catholic School Pastors, Priests, Chaplains, Administrators, Teachers

A help session for school chaplains'; and a discussion by experienced chaplians about being a priest in a Catholic school.. Session hosted jointly by the Catholic Education Foundation and the National Catholic Education Association.

The Problem With Artistic complacency

The Problem With Artistic complacency

Complacency is a rejection of things as they might be. "Good enough" is the motto of the complacent person. Complacency makes people fear the unknown, mistrust the untried, and abhor the new. Like water, complacent people follow the easiest course – downhill.

St Vincent de Paul

Today is the commemoration of St Vincent de Paul (1581 - 1660).

He was born in France, his story is colorful, to put it mildly. He was captured and enslaved as a boy by Turks but escaped because he converted his master and both went to France. He is remembered as someone who devoted his whole life to the service of the poor, but this meant so much more than simply giving alms. He was aware that all people have both material and spiritual needs and to support his work he founded a congregation of priests for missionary work, groups of laymen to help paupers and galley-slaves, and, with St Louise de Marillac, the Sisters of Charity.  See the article in the Catholic Encyclopaedia.

Here are three very different images of him to aid reflection. First an 18th century baroque style portrait. Second a statue in the church that bears his name in Paris, where he lived much of his life. And third a wax efigy that contains relics. 

When I reflect on how his work was directed to the needs of the whole person, body and soul, I am struck by the fact that all people, rich and poor need so much more than basic material needs. Where there is a lack of human love, which speaks of God’s love, there is no dignity. We all need an environment that speaks of God's love and that envirnment is furnished by a culture of beauty.

The measure of our success in this, it seems to me, is not that the poorest part of the city is as wealthy as the richest. Equality of outcome is neither possible, nor even desirable. It’s measure is when the poorest parts of our cities are as beautiful as the wealthiest. This will be the outward sign that all, including both poor and rich live in dignity and are at home in the world; and that we are a society that really does care about their lives of the least amongst us, both in this world and the next.

Currently we are moving towards the polar opposite, every part of the city is as steadily becoming as ugly as every other. The richest part of town looks like a 1960s housing project ( refer you to a recent posting on the new builds on the Princeton campus). This is a sign that for all the rhetoric, our society has little regard for anyone and assumes that once material needs are met, nothing else matters.

This first step, as it did in the past, with beautiful churches that are open to all. When that element is missing, it is usually a sign that everything else that is important is absent too. When I think of our inner cities and their poorest neighborhoods today, I think we have a long way to go before we can consider ourselves a Great Society. As usual I have to start with myself and ask, what am I doing?

It is my struggle to answer this question satisfactorily that makes this week's article so short.

St Vincent, please pray for me.

The Good, and the Bad and Ugly: Harmony and Cacophony In Wales and Princeton

The Good, and the Bad and Ugly: Harmony and Cacophony In Wales and Princeton

Order is the sign of God and speaks to all. Disorder alienates all and connects with no one. Even if functionally sound, in some respects, will disorient people spiritually, and therefore in not fully functional. This is the art and architecture of desolation and a world without God.